The Beach2Beach Team is led by a group of passionate Rotarians who believe this event is a great way to give back to those less fortunate, while hosting the most popular participation event on the northern beaches. The whole Team volunteers both time and skills with no financial benefit to themselves, some working all year round to ensure a successful annual event. The Beach2Beach / Rotary Club of Brookvale relationship was initiated by Michael Olofinsky who was instrumental in evolving the event to its great standard today. For the last few years, organisers Phil Jackson and Robert van Geest have worked alongside an incredibly enthusiastic team, who make the Beach2Beach so successful.
The aim of the Rotary Club of Warringah is for 100% of your registration fees to go back to local and other needy charities and service organisations. We are blessed with some generous sponsors who cover the necessary overheads involved with such an event.
The Pride of Workmanship Awards gives us the chance to recognise those in the community who go above and beyond.
Nominees can come from local businesses or from our members as they are out and about in the community. We look for those whose approach, attitude, dedication and commitment to their job makes them stand out as exemplary.
We honour the selected employees at a special dinner and present them with a plaque.
We believe “Pride of Workmanship” is the sense of responsibility to “Do a Job Once, Do it Well and Build a Better Australia”. It is one of the greatest intangible assets in our community.